During the summer the Gasoline Magazine came by the garage for a photoshoot and quick interview. Read all about it in the latest issue, in stores now! Or visit: www.gasolinemagazine.se

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The 4sale section is updated today, now you can pay easy with your Paypal account and the items get shipped the same or next day. Going to add more new stuff during the week. Click on the picture to visit the store…


To get the new imported Chevy pickup ready for the Swedish roads it needed some work. First it needed Swedish papers and plates and at the same time it must pass a safety inspection by law. This car didnt have turnsignals or working lights so this got fixed. Fueltank was cleaned on the inside and got fresh fuel and hoses & filters. Engine got new sparkplugs and coil installed. Exhaust was installed also. Restored carburetor. New tires and, steering rods. The speedometer was rusted out so a new was mounted. It passed the safety inspection without any problems at all!

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Finally the brakes are all done on all 4 corners. New masterbrakecylinder, lines & fittings, rubberhoses, wheelcylinders, breakshoes and new brakefluid to top it off. Now just some electrical and engine tune up is left to do before safetyinspection and lowering job.

Brakesystem finished today! Just some electrical and engine tune up left to do before safetyinspection.