During the summer the Gasoline Magazine came by the garage for a photoshoot and quick interview. Read all about it in the latest issue, in stores now! Or visit: www.gasolinemagazine.se
To get the new imported Chevy pickup ready for the Swedish roads it needed some work. First it needed Swedish papers and plates and at the same time it must pass a safety inspection by law. This car didnt have turnsignals or working lights so this got fixed. Fueltank was cleaned on the inside and got fresh fuel and hoses & filters. Engine got new sparkplugs and coil installed. Exhaust was installed also. Restored carburetor. New tires and, steering rods. The speedometer was rusted out so a new was mounted. It passed the safety inspection without any problems at all!
Finally the brakes are all done on all 4 corners. New masterbrakecylinder, lines & fittings, rubberhoses, wheelcylinders, breakshoes and new brakefluid to top it off. Now just some electrical and engine tune up is left to do before safetyinspection and lowering job.
Soon back from the dead…